Archive for October, 2012


October 5, 2012

I don’t trust anyone here. Not a single person. I can’t even bitch to anyone about my stupid predicament. I used to be able tell a huge handful of people anything and I would be having these trust issues, but as it is, all these people have proven themselves to be- untrustworthy.  It’s kinda sad…

People not knowing boundaries, not being able to tell what is appropriate and what isn’t, and your stories, once you have said it once, it will be out there forever. It’s irritating like that. True friends, accquaintance, I don’t know. Maybe I’m being too skeptical, but I am so annoyed.

When I want solitude, I am not granted. Instead, I am treated with noise and noise and noise. I shut my door and I still have to care about the feelings of others. What has the world come to. And it becomes really stuffy and then it aggrevates my sadness so I open my door again. And just when I got the peace that I want, I get disturbed again. Sometimes I feel like deleting people away from my life. Temporary or permanently. Very very annoyed now.

I especially hate how peeple have their own conceptions of the world, and impose these conceptions on others. Egocentricity maybe. Can they please grow up a litte? Stop shouting so much, and telling other people what to do. Everyone have their own rights and their own particular unique way for viewing the world. It doesn’t mean that if it differs from yours, that it would be wrong. It just means that our world is a mulit-dimensional one.

I get damn annoyed when people act mature. When they put themselves at a ‘higher up platform’ than others. Always being the omniscient third person. I don’t know if what I have is a gift becasue I am sharp and can sense non-verbals easily- the subtle shift of the eyes the little cringe in the shoulders, the change in posture, and I know what people are thinking if I care enough to observe. And when people narrate, or when I narrate, these ‘higher’ people, they judge, as if they are uninvolved, as if they are the experts, silently evaluating what is going on. It irritates me damn a lot.

Today is such an annoying day. So many annoying people