Archive for June, 2011

Phuket with the volleyball girls :>

June 7, 2011

When we were younger, we took trips to sentosa during the holiday seasons. And that in itself made us so happy, and well contented. But I guess that is no longer enough when we grow older. Instead, we take awesome trips and try to travel the world. Mmmm starting with asia first la since we’re all poor university kids with almost zero income.

Kabakeboom, flight booked, hotel booked. And dates were set, haha damn on didn’t think that it will come true but it did. And glad for that because I really miss this bunch of pals. It would have been better if more people were here, miss the rest of them, genuinely. It’s like we used to spend our afterschools together in trainings, damn freaking fun and it was one of the biggest reason why I liked meridian so much.

I still remember how Ms Soh always scold us for aiya, for what I also don’t know. I think she just like to scold people or ummm fulfill the requirement of a coach ah, or haha we just suck la. There was one time, jan and I were talking on court damn happy somemore, then she suddenly ask us to go canteen drag a table and a chair. Then we orh ok, thought is some drill. Haha fuck actually she scolding us, ask us to drag a table and chair to court so we can chit chat. Bitch, but love those times. It wouldn’t have been that enjoyable or epic if it weren’t for her.

Enough or reminising, back to the trip. Boy boy, we were faced with so many difficulties throughout the whole trip. When we arrived at our hotel we kena by the slut face receptionist cos we try cheapo book 4 people but actually got 5. It was really quite bad. The entire staff knew and recognised us and everytime they saw us they asked us to pay. Haha seriously damn drama, thinking of means to escape attention but failing every single time. Joke like a joker.

Then like not enough drama, next day we kena scam by some taxi driver. This phuket ah, like got everything against us five girls. Even those agencies who were in charge of airport wanted to rip us off. So that was one major turn off of the trip. The money grubbing people of phuket. I guess you just shoudn’t have any expectations of anything then at least you won’t be dissapointed. Applies towards everything don’t you think! Hahahah ok ok don’t play cynical card. But all in all in order to truely enjoy yourself, you should have plenty of money to spare!!! But we didn’t since we all poor like a student. Hahaha ok anyway, fun part of the trip next.

We went for dang dang dang fish spa! Hahaha sai, bluff you la fish spa not the exciting one, fish spa only ticklish. We went for WHITE WATER RAFTING!!!!!!!! Fun like a funfair only. Really damn fun haha scream like mad and I have no idea why everyone else just like to splash water on our raft. I think we just too humji? And throughout the whole journey I just kept thinking of how scary the rocks were and if we were to capsize, confirm die. Then drama again, our rower got thrown out the raft by the rough currents and bouncing against other boats, we try to grab on to the branches of the trees, stop against the rocks, but fail. We just floated and floated, omg really damn scared gna die like a wtf.

Okay then this same day we rode on the atv, its like a motor cycle but not like a car but not, the kind to travel through the mud kind. This chio joker cynthia fell off the vehicle and gave us all a fright of our life. And we rode on elephants, like tarzan much? Haha jan was damn tickled the whole journey cos the elephant’s trunk kept tickling her feet and it’s ears kept flapping against her slippers.

All in all good trip, love you girls. Bear hug? Hahaha and serene, promise, won’t bolster hug you next time just make sure we don’t share the same bed. Muacks love is in the air.