Musings of a beginning social worker

I am so glad I paid attention in school and was serious during classes. Because I whatever I learnt in school can be directly applicable in what I’m doing right now. From the very first social work module, to the very last, plus everything in between. I feel ready and competent because I know that I possess what it takes to make a difference and have an impact in my client’s life (with on the job training of course).

From soft skills, to interventions and therapeutic techniques, to macro level issues, and even including research and evaluation. I’m seeing everything here and it makes me so thankful and privileged that I am here. At the same time, I have to constantly remind myself to be humble and not to be conceited with the little knowledge that I possess. I may have knowledge, but I definitely lack experience now… thus, I have to learn from my fellow comrades and colleagues, and discern for myself which way I want to progress.

And with each day, with an increased confidence, I feel like there is so much more that I can learn, because there is just so much knowledge out there. There are so many things that I still don’t know and it excites me because I love, absolutely love pursuing new knowledge. And it is comforting for me to know that there will always be new things out there for me to explore 🙂

So cheers for now. Bedtime. Goodnight.

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